
web developer

building quality websites from the ground up

Have an idea for a project?

Let's chat!

What I do

Web Development

I specialize in creating custom websites from the ground up, using the latest technologies and best practices to deliver high-quality results. My focus is on creating responsive, accessible, and performant websites that stand out in today's competitive online landscape.

Web Animations

I have a passion for web animations and understand their potential to enhance user engagement and overall user experience. I keep up-to-date with the latest animation techniques and trends and can integrate them seamlessly into any project.

Dynamic Data

Fetching data from a database is a crucial aspect of modern web development. I have experience working with databases and can add dynamic up-to-date content to any project, ensuring that your website stays current and relevant.

Agile Methodologies

I'm proficient in Agile methodologies, specifically the Scrum framework, and use tools like Azure DevOps to manage tickets and track project progress. This ensures that my work is completed on time and to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

  • HTML5

  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Git

What I Create


ChocoShop is an e-commerce website that allows users to browse and purchase chocolate bars. It features a shopping cart, user authentication, and a checkout process.


Nateflix is a movie app that fetches custom movie data from firebase, uses Authentication, and search functionality.

Recipe Box

S&P Recipe Box is a project to store favorite recipes all while showcasing foodtography.

Speed Typer

Speed Typer is a speed typing game built with only speed in mind. Can you beat the timer to be the fastest typist in all the land?


PicSome was a fun capstone project built with React hooks and local storage, bringing you a mini ecommerce website where users can purchase photos.


Let's bring your idea(s) to life!